Title: Early Genomic Detection of Cosmopolitan Genotype of Dengue Virus Serotype 2, Angola, 2018
Authors: Hill SC, Neto de Vasconcelos J, Granja BG, Thézé J, Jandondo D, Neto Z, Mirandela M, Sebastião CDS, Cândido ALM, Clemente C, Pereira da Silva S, de Oliveira T, Pybus OG, Faria NR, Afonso JM.
Journal: Emerg Infect Dis.,25(4):784-787 (2019)
Citation: Hill SC, Neto de Vasconcelos J, Granja BG, Thézé J, Jandondo D, Neto Z, Mirandela M, Sebastião CDS, Cândido ALM, Clemente C, Pereira da Silva S, de Oliveira T, Pybus OG, Faria NR, Afonso JM. Early Genomic Detection of Cosmopolitan Genotype of Dengue Virus Serotype 2, Angola, 2018 Emerg Infect Dis.,25(4):784-787 (2019).
KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).
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Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira