One of our main aims for this development is for users and collaborators to become more involved in the website. It has added over 100 new webpages to, including blogs, open access publications, media coverage, clinical cases tutorials and twitter. It has also increased the number of people collaborating in the development of our website!
We would like to highlight some of the new sections and information that you can find here:
SATuRN output: HIV & TB drug resistance reports, clinical cases & publications on bioinformatics in Africa and HIV and TB treatment resistance
15 minutes: BioAfrica and SATuRN work at a glance: News, tweets & blogs on bioinformatics in Africa, HIV and TB drug resistance
News section: printed and online media coverage articles, blogs and tweets on the key aspects of our bioinformatics and drug resistance work
Blogs section: Bogs and tweets about our work and other related topics of interest. For example, here you will find a number of blogs from Dr. Richard Lessells on TB drug resistance and Lungani Ndwandwe on social and political aspects of the HIV epidemic
Reports section: Open access annual reports on HIV and TB drug resistance, which are directed at public health practitioners, policies makers, doctors, researchers and the general public
HIV and TB clinical cases: present cases published in the HIV/TB Drug Resistance & Clinical Management Case Book. These cases have been presented to over 1000 medical doctors in southern Africa at the annual SATuRN Drug Resistance Workshops
Publications section: We provide you with our peer-reviewed publications, number of citations and impact factor of each publications. All publications are open access and the PDF can be downloaded from our website
People section: This section gives information on all members of bioafrica group. It also a one-stop place to get publications, blogs, cases, news and other information about each member of the group
We would like you to help us to develop a truly collaborative site where information is accurate and up-to-date so our tools and databases become more useful for research and the implementation of prevention and treatment programmes affecting human health in Africa.
We hope you enjoy our new website as much we did developing it!
News date: 2012-01-14